1746 |
CREMERS, Anna 1 Jan 1746 d/o Cornelius and Maria CUSTERS VERSTAPPEN, Petronella 5 Jan 1746 d/o Cornelis and Gertrudis van den SPEELHOFF WILLEMS, Joes 13 Jan 1746 s/o Petrus and Maria JANSSEN SMITS, Theodora 13 Jan 1746 illeg d/o Danielus and Margareta van de VENNE DRISSEN, Joes 24 Jan 1746 s/o Matthias and Joanna OZINX SCHREURS, Gerardus 12 Feb 1746 s/o Andreas and Sijbilla SCHEFFENS LAMERS, Matthias 28 Feb 1746 s/o Jacobus and Gertrudis LENSSEN VERHAEGH, Henricus 7 March 1746 s/o Mathai and Agnetis HEIJNEN BUIJSEN, Petronella 16 March 1746 d/o Gerardus and Catharina van RIEL LITJENS, Leonardus 19 March 1746 s/o Theodorus and Joanna JANSSEN LITJENS, Josephus 19 March 1746 s/o Theodorus and Joanna JANSSEN HECK, Joanna aent 27 March 1746 d/o Gerardus and Aldegondis HAEGENS GRISKENS, Arnoldus 28 March 1746 s/o Petrus and Joanna SCHRUMKENS VERBERCKT, Maria 31 March 1746 d/o Jois and Anna COPPERS ROSSERS, Petrus 2 April 1746 s/o Andreas and Petronella VERVOERT HOEMAEKERS, Joannes 5 April 1746 s/o Jacobus and Jacoba LITJENS VULLINGHS, Reynerus 17 April 1746 s/o Henricus and Petronella SMULDERS VULLINGS Maria 17 April 1746 d/o Henricus and Petronella SMULDERS HEBBEN, Petrus 17 April 1746 s/o Danielus and Joanna SCHEFFENS VULLINGS, Maria 27 April 1746 d/o Gerardus and Margaretha van HAEF MOMMEN, Jacobus 30 April 1746 s/o Alardus and Francisca SIMONS HAGENS, Gerardus 4 May 1746 s/o Wilhelmus and Aldegondis CUIJPERS KEIJSERS, Anna Maria 7 May 1746 d/o Leonardus and Margaretha DERIX DRABBELS, Jacobus 8 May 1746 s/o Henricus and Maria LUIJTEN BAETEN, Henrina 10 May 1746 d/o Henricus and Gertrudis ZERO MARTENS, Matthias 15 May 1746 s/o Joannes and Maria AERTS UNNAMED, Maria 15 May 1746 - in the presents of the parents who are unnamed MEIJEL, Joes 22 May 1746 s/o Jacobus and Margaretha JACOBS GEURTS, Wendelina 5 June 1746 d/o Wilhelmus and Gertrudis BUSSEMAEKERS VERBERNE, Joes 14 June 1746 illeg s/o Joannes and Anna ZEROIJ JANSSEN, Jacobus 5 July 1746 s/o Andreas and Christina HERMANS HERMKENS, Gertrudis 7 July 1746 d/o Jois and Ida van den SPEELHOFF HAEREN, Theodorus van 9 July 1746 s/o Jois and Joanna int GROENEWOLT GERTJENS, Henrina and Joanna (twins) 10 July 1746 Jois and Agnetis ROIJACKERS SMULDERS, Wilhelmus 22 July 1746 s/o Jacobus and Maria GERITS VERDELLEN, Jacobus 25 July 1746 s/o Jois and Joanna van ELSEN BOUMANS, Jacobus Segerus 26 July 1746 s/o Godefridus and Gertrudis VOUSTEN VEN, Joannes van de 29 July 1746 s/o Henricus and Theodora COLLE SERO, Hendrina 4 Aug 1746 d/o Jois and Elisabetha KERSTJENS SEUREN, Maria 15 Aug 1746 d/o Mathias and Catharina JURISSEN JAEGERS, Bartholomaus 24 Aug 1746 s/o Joannes and Agnetis FRANSEN COULEN, Theodora van der 28 Aug 1746 d/o Jois and Maria HENDRIX SPEELHOFF, Hermannus van den 29 Aug 1746 s/o Gerardus and Gertrudis VOUSTEN FRODERMONDT, Matthias 5 Sept 1746 s/o Jois and Joanna PETERS WIJLERS, Theodora 13 Sept 1746 d/o Henricus and Gertrudis VERBERCKT LENSSEN, Wilhelmus 26 Sept 1746 s/o Antonius and Aldegonda VERLAER GEENEN, Godefridus 3 Oct 1746 s/o Andreas and Gertrudis DRABBELS JACOBS, Henrina 4 Oct 1746 d/o Henricus and Jaquemina MARTENS PETERS, Joanna 6 Oct 1746 d/o Wilhelmus and Jaquemina JURISSEN OHMEN, Wilhelmus 6 Oct 1746 s/o Gerardus and Joanna DRIESSEN ONCKELS, Maria Elisabetha 16 Oct 1746 d/o Joannes and Maria POULS MARTENS, Wilhelmus 24 Oct 1746 s/o Martinus and Zara ZEUREN COPPERS, Jacobus 7 Nov 1746 s/o Simonis and Joanna SIMONS GEURTS, Huberta 11 Nov 1746 d/o Petrus and Sijbilla SMEERMAN CUPPEN, Aldegondis 8 Dec 1746 d/o Lambertus and Aldegondis FLEUREN KEMPEN, Wilhelmina van 10 Dec 1746 d/o Jacobus and Joanna SCHAMPERS DHENEN, Joanna 16 Dec 1746 d/o Jois and Petronella WIJNES ARTS, Ermgardes 16 Dec 1746 d/o Floris and Wilhelmina DERIX GROENEWOLT, Rodolphus int 21 Dec 1746 s/o Jois and Maria FLEUREN SCHOUTEN, Lambertus 23 Dec 1746 s/o Jacobus and Ermgardis LAMBERTS SMITS, Helena 23 Dec 1746 d/o Jois Petrus and Maria DHENEN Return to top of document. |