Henry Downes Cranor

Not long ago, after spending several hours for the umpteenth time looking for a marriage record that had to be there somewhere, I decided to make an index so it would be easier to find what I wanted in the future.
This index is the result. After spending a whole lot more hours than I thought on it I decided to put it on my website where others could also use it. I hope you find it of value.
I am now in the process of setting it up to lead others to information on my site or links to other sites about the people named.
If you have a web site with information about any of these people, or you would like to have other researchers contact you at your e-mail address, please send me what you would like to have as a note and I will add the link at the appropriate place.
Even if this name is your brick-wall and you are just looking for other people researching this same name send me your e-mail address and I will post that.
If you have something that you want posted, or you just want to ask some questions please e-mail me williss@mfi.net.
To Sandy's Index Of Caroline County Marriages 
To Sandy's Website 
To Sandy's Index of Queen Anne's Marriages 1817 - 1858 
To Sandy's Index of Queen Anne's Marriages 1866 - 1908(a work in progress) 
Selected Surnames of Md.Marriages 
More Selected Surnames of Md.Marriages 

Copyright © March 2001 by Sandra L. Willis