Richard T.and Hester R. Gardner
Martha Mortgrage holding Hester Mortgrage
Martha Vanderford Mortgrage
George Mortgrage
Mortgrage and Gardner Calling cards
Hester Rebecca Mortgrage with 4 friends @1885
Hester Rebecca Mortgrage @1885
Hester Mortgrage and Richard Gardner @1885
On a horse @1885
House on August Street @1890
Hester and her mother @1890
Hester Gardner @1940
Hester Gardner
Hester Gardner
Hester Gardner
Frank T. Wilson
Gustie Gardner Wilson
Hester Gardner with cat
Hester Gardner backyard
Hester and Richard Gardner @1915
Hester and Richard Gardner @1915
Howard Stewart
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Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture
Here is a picture