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Scan of Death record of Sebastian de BRUIJN - 1 December 1806
Scan of Death record of Sebastian de BRUIJN - 1 December 1806
Translated with the kind help of Ingeborg Frank.
Note: Some areas have been enhanced and/or repaired.
Loose Translation:
Number 5      Mayor of Helden
On the eleventh day of the month Frimaire (Blank) year of the French Republic. [my note ~ 1 December 1806]
Death Certificate of Sebastian de Bruijn
who passed away yesterday at 9 o'clock in the evening, his profession of farmer, at the age of 40 years, born at Baerlo, District of Roermond residing at Helden
son of Wolter de Bruijn, residing in Baerlo, and of Joanna Wolters
This declaration was made by the citizen Henry Joosten residing at Helden, his profession of farmer, who stated that he was a neighbor of the dead person as well as a neighbor of Wilbrond Gommans residing in Helden, his profession, farmer as he stated he was a neighbor of the dead person. All have signed regarding this act of death.
Certified before me André Michel Hendrix Mayor of Helden Public Civil Servant, signed herewith.
Henri Joosten and Wilbert Gommans                               Hendrix

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