Scan of Death record of Joannes JANSSEN - 3 May 1865 Note: Some areas have been enhanced and/or repaired. Loose Translation: In the year 1865 the 4th of May, in front of the Civil Servant of the municipality of Broekhuizen, Duchy of Limburg, appeared Johannes Hermsen, farmer, a resident of Broekhuijzenvorst, age 41 years, who states that he is a neighbor of the deceased, and Sibert Heyligers, farmer, living in Broekhuijzenvorst age 23 years, who states that he is a neighbor of the deceased,they both declare that Johannes Janssen farmer, husband of Francina Kersten, son of Christiaan Janssen and of Johanna Truijnen, both deceased; aged 69 born at Grubbenvorst, presently living at Broekhuijzenvorst, is dead on the 7th of October, 1852 in Broekhuijzenvorst died on the 3rd of May, 1865 at six o'clock in the afternoon in Broekhuizenvorst. They declare the were present at the death and this is as they remember to the best of their abilities. Signed by J.J. Hermsen and S. Heyligers